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'After The Storm, St. Giles', Newcastle-under-Lyme

This oil on canvas signed and dated by John Thirlwall in 1999 was a Millenium commission painting for the Borough Museum and Art Gallery in Newcastle-under-Lyme. The painting depicts St Giles' Church ...

Apedale Ironworks, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Photograph of the Manager of Apedale Ironworks.

Arlington House, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Arlington House, the detached property set back from the road in this photograph, used to stand on the Ironmarket in Newcastle-under-Lyme. It did not become known as Arlington House until the 1870s when ...

Ashfield Wesleyan Mission, Nelson Place, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Bank House, High Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme

This photograph shows the site of Old Bank House in Newcastle town centre. The house to the left became the National Provincial Bank in the early twentieth century and later became the National Westminster ...

Beattie Avenue during the arrival of their new residents from Paradise Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme

By the late 1930s and the time of this photograph slum clearance had started in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Some of the first people to be re-housed were the residents of Paradise Street who were moved to Beattie ...

Biddulph Grange

A group portrait thought to be taken on the steps of Biddulph Grange. Amateur photographer Frederick Everitt can be seen back right.

Birchenwood Collieries Rescue Team

Birchenwood Collieries Rescue Team of seven feet Banbury District, West Winpenny Slant, after a fire which occurred on Monday 28th April 1924. Photographed are: (back row) W. Kirkham, J. Stone, T ...

Brittain's Foundry Workers, Chesterton

At this time Brittain's Hope Foundry stood in Dragon Square, Chesterton, and had done since 1870, but it has since been demolished.

Bronze Relief Plaque of Dr Henry Faulds

Dr Henry Faulds (1 June 1843 - 24 March 1930) was a scientist noted for developing fingerprinting. Faulds became a doctor having studied mathematics and medicine. He spent time in India before travelling ...

Bull's Bank, Lower Street , Newcastle-under-Lyme

This photograph of Bull's Bank off Lower Street and behind St. Giles' Church is typical of the crowded housing that existed in some areas of Newcastle-under-Lyme until the late 1960s. The cramped ...

Bull's Bank, Lower Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Taken in 1935 this picture of Bull's Bank in Newcastle-under-Lyme takes in the tower of St. Giles' Church, the alleyway that leads to the churchyard and three of the terraced houses that surrounded the ...

Burgess family, May Bank, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Private Stan Burgess showing off his new uniform, with his young brothers, Graham, Frank and Alan. This view was taken from Highfield Avenue, May Bank, and shows the awful air pollution that existed around ...

Calmer times on Clayton Road, Clayton, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Clayton Road, in the days when it was little more than a dirt track. In the centre of the image is Rose Cottage, the home of the local police constable, with Clayton Green to the right of the image.

Catherine Street, May Bank, Newcastle-under-Lyme

A family sitting outside Smelters Row at the bottom of Catherine Street, May Bank.

Chesterton Board School Infants, Chesterton

China, Biddulph Grange

A group visit 'China' in the gardens at Biddulph Grange. The gardens were created in the mid 19th century by James Bateman to house his large plant collection. The National Trust acquired Biddulph Grange ...

Clayton Cricket Team, Newcastle-under-Lyme

We don't have records of where the cricket team me but there were recreation grounds on the area known as Redgate, near Northwood Lane. Fred Everitt (who owned the camera that took this photograph) can ...